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Yunnan 5000 TPD Copper Mining Rebuilding and Expanding Plant

2020-05-29 Source:XinHai Views (2885)

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This copper mine was a medium sized mine with matched mining and mineral processing joint-supporting, complete auxiliary facilities, which had been built and produced for many years. It was one of the first batch of 183 key support projects to develop county and township industries in Yunnan province.

In order to give full play to the advantages of mining resources and obtain the better economic benefits, extend the mine service life, the company decided to adopt the strategy of " superior quantity", expanded the mining scale, exploit to the depth, and made full use of the off-balance sheet ore amount.

Project introduction: 

The mining area was located in the northeast of Hengduan Mountain in northwest Yunnan province, a southern part of Qinghai-Tibet snowy plateau. The high terrain of the northwest, southeast low. Before the renovation, the mine adopted pit mining method. And the mining methods were shrinkage method and sublevel drilling and stope mining method.

Mining method:

The mine adopted shrinkage method and sublevel drilling and stope mining method as the main mining methods. The stope was generally arranged along the strike and the stope length was usually 50m. The shrinkage method was shallow-hole shrinkage mining, the ore removal was through the bottom funnel. The sublevel open stop mining method adopted sublevel drilling, stage ore removal, the sublevel height was generally 10m.

With the comparative analysis and the mine production practice for many years, the shallow-hole shrinkage mining method was still used for the ore body whose thickness was less than or equal to 6m, that is, when the stope was far 5~7 meters from upper and middle part of haulageway baseplate, adopting the medium-length hole to drill on the needle before the massive ore drawing, adopting the short hole to drill on the sill pillar corresponding to the upper stope and the quartering on the side of stope, then exploding the jamb drilled at the same time in sections, exploding the quartering first, then the sill pillar and top pillar. Adopting the sublevel drilling along the strike-stage ore drawing-Sublevel open stop mining to deal with the ore body (thickness was less than 15m and larger than 6m) and the middle section (above the 4078m). For the middle section (less than 4078m), using the single trench unilateral flat bottom structure sublevel caving, stage ore drawing method. For the ore body whose thickness was larger than 15m, using the hanging wall and footwall along the strike to arrange the double trenches, bilateral flat bottom structure sublevel caving, stage ore drawing method.


Main Mining Equipment:

1. Rock drilling equipment: 

Shallow-hole shrinkage mining adopted YSP-45 type pusher leg drill. If the rock drilling efficiency was 45m per machine per team, and the ore caving yield was 2t per meter, the shallow-hole shrinkage mining stope needed thirteen YSP-45 type pusher leg drill when the mining quantity reached 1200tpd. Because the shallow-hole shrinkage mining accounted for a larger proportion, the design adopted twenty-eight YSP-45 type pusher leg drill, ten of which were on standby.

2. Ore drawing equipment:

The sublevel stoping method (sublevel drilling, stage ore drawing) adopted the 2DPJ-30 type electric harrow for ore drawing, whose power was 30KW, bucket capacity was 0.3m3, the efficiency of ore drawing was 70~100t per machine per team. A total of 21 electric harrows are needed, including 16 2DPJ-30 type electric harrows. For the Single or double trench unilateral or bilateral flat bottom structure sublevel caving, stage ore drawing method adopted CY-2.0 scraper. The efficiency of scraper was 250t per machine per team. According to the ore block layout and process arrangement, a total of 7 CY-2.0 scraper (including the spare ones) were needed in the whole mine.

3. Excavating equipment: 

The YT-27 and YT-28 rock drill were used to punch the horizontal hole in the driving and drilling of exploit, stope preparation. The YSP-45 rock drill was used to punch the up-hole. A total of 40 TY-27 and YT-28 rock drill were equipped in the whole mine, YSP-45 rock drill was used for exploration, and ZCZ-26 rock loader was used for ore pass driving and deslag. The prepared ore-rock of stope used the electric harrow. In addition, it was equipped with TK-500 concrete jet, Red Flag 633 type concrete mixing conveyor and F2Y-1 type deep hole explosive loader.

4. Mine ventilation: 

The middle section above mining area 4078 adopted the diagonal single-wing ventilation system. The fresh air flowed from the footrill of north wing of the ore body, and discharged from the return air shaft of the south wing.

In the middle section of mining area 4033 and 3980 adopted the main flat hole inlet, wing air outlet. The each middle section below 3980 adopted the central diagonal ventilation system, the fresh air flowed from the cage lifting well, the north wing of the mining area exhausted the air through the inverted section air well to the north wing adit mouth of 4120 (when the mining area entered the deep mining, the stoping in the middle section of 4120 ended), and the south wing was equipped with special return air duct and inverted section return air shaft to discharge the air to the surface.

5. Drainage system: 

The normal displacement was 2953 m3/d, the maximum displacement was 4030m3/d. With the central drainage method, the water gushing was discharged to the surface head tank through the water pump in the lowest middle water pump room, and the drainage height was 560m.

Project results:

This project was a mine expansion project which integrated mining and mineral processing. Xinhai Mining adopted the mining methods flexibly, optimized the mining scheme, which improved the recovery ratio, reduced the loss and dilution of ore. Finally, the project scale reached 5000t/d.